Lately there is much talk about the benefits of wine and it can become very confusing since sometimes we are told that it is a food that will make us live to be one hundred years old, and other times that it will take us directly to the grave.
We like wine, so we have decided to see the bright side and that is why we have put together 7 reasons why you should have a glass of wine, according to scientists. But don't forget, always in moderation!
1. A glass of red wine would be equivalent to an hour of exercise
Researchers from the University of Alberta (Canada) have found that drinking a glass of red wine has the same benefits as an hour of exercise. According to their research, the resveratrol in red wine improves physical performance, heart function and muscle strength just as they would improve after an hour of exercise in a gym.
2. It would help you lose weight
Resveratrol, which is found in berries, grapes and other fruits, would aid weight loss according to a study from Washington State University. And of course that compound is also found in red wine. Apparently, resveratrol turns white fat into beige fat, which is easier to burn. So specialists recommend a glass of wine between 6 and 9 at night.
3. Increases life expectancy
In 2015, research in the scientific journal Nature found that resveratrol would protect the body from age-related diseases such as heart disorders and tumors. Initiates a defense mechanism in human cells that protects them from genetic damage
4. It makes you more attractive
According to a study conducted by scientists at the University of Bristol, a small amount of alcohol would cause blood to rise to the cheeks, providing a rosy complexion that will make you appear more attractive even to totally sober people.
However, with two glasses it will already seem less attractive, so drink in moderation.
Drinking Ribeiro Alter wine makes you more attractive according to scientists.
5. Reduciría su riesgo de demencia
Un estudio del Instituto de Medicina Preventiva de Copenhague descubrió que las personas que beben vino semanal o mensualmente tienen menor riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia.
6. Reduciría el riesgo de cancer de ovarios
Una investigación del Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Queensland descubrió que una copa de vino al día reduciría el riesgo de cáncer de ovarios a la mitad. Se debería a los antioxidantes, que tienen propiedades anti-cancerígenas, y a los efectos del alcohol sobre las hormonas femeninas. El vino tinto sería más efectivo.
7. Fortalece los huesos
Un estudio de la Universidad de Tufts en Boston demostraría que mujeres que beben vino moderadamente tienen una masa ósea más alta. El alcohol estimula los niveles de estrógenos, que ralentiza más la destrucción de hueso viejo que la producción de nueva masa ósea.
No sabemos lo que se dirá la semana o el mes que viene, pero por ahora podemos disfrutar de una copa de vino sabiendo que es bueno para nosotros. Y si quieres comprar vino Ribeiro Alter, te lo ponemos fácil aquí. ¡La entrega te sale gratis!